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Sunday, June 27, 2010
Hazrat Mahdi's (as) students will make use of technology in the end times
Hazrat Mahdi's (as) students will make use of technology in the end times
NOTHING FROM THE EARTH WILL BE HIDDEN FROM THEM [the students of Hazrat Mahdi (as)]
(Mikyaal al Makaarem, vol:1, pp. 235-236)
The hadith refers to the helpers of Hazrat Mahdi (as) having easy access to any information they need. That may be by means of today’s Internet. Our Prophet (saas) indicated 1,400 years ago that it would be easier and faster to communicate and obtain knowledge, and that Hazrat Mahdi’s (as) students will make use of that technology.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Bukit Kepong (1981) Part 1
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Imam AlMahdi's Perfection & Super Powers
(Imam AlMahdi's Perfection & Super Powers)
Now you can imagine the perfection of he who is angel-faced but conceals his appearance, handsome but doesn’t show himself to the people, knowledgeable but doesn’t express his knowledge in front of others, powerful but does not use force, can take revenge but due to Allah’s command, refrains from vindictiveness…
You observe that more than eleven hundred years have passed, Imam-e-Zaman (a.s.) is the most knowledgeable of mankind but Allah the Almighty has ordered him not to manifest his information for the commonality. He (a.t.f.s.) possesses true power and all these so-called super powers, use their power to the hilt but Imam-e-Zaman (a.s.) never displays his might in front of others. He (a.t.f.s.) is handsome but unlike other good looking people who always desire to flaunt their looks, he (a.t.f.s.) never shows himself to people unless Allah the Almighty permits him to do so. Imam-e-Zaman (a.s.) sees all these difficulties and problems, and can come and bring an end to all this misery but is patient and forbearing.
For instance, he (a.t.f.s.) has witnessed the entire Iran-Iraq war and must have definitely been pained at the mass killings on both sides. Yet, on the command of Allah, he (a.t.f.s.) bears patience. Can Imam-e-Zaman (a.s.) act in violation of the divine commands? Of course,he is free like us and can do so but does not.
Yes, staying within the confines of the line of self-restrain for the last eleven hundred years and more has made Imam-e-Zaman (a.s.) an infinite person. It is on account of these perfection that all the angels have become his servants and all the Prophets (a.s.) envy him. The successors and divine proofs are all waiting for him (a.t.f.s.) in order to serve him (a.t.f.s.).
When Hazrat Moosa (a.s.) looks at Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.), he takes a glance at that moment of his life when he could not control himself and boxed the Egyptian to death and consequently, fled the city. Hazrat Moosa (a.s.) could not discipline the force that he possessed in attacking the Egyptian.
Although, while committing this act, Hazrat Moosa (a.s.) has not perpetrated any sin but it would certainly have been better had he not attacked the Egyptian and restrained himself. This very Moosa (a.s.), when sees from the world of Barzakh, how Imam-e-Zaman (a.s.), despite possessing all the powers of yore as well as the morrow, does not use it simply because Allah has not given him the permission. Still Imam-e-Zaman (a.s.) is within the confines of the lines and is careful about implementing the commands of Allah the Almighty.
Thus, if we understand this point, we realize that the existence of Imam-e-Zaman (a.s.) for us is that of a perfect man and that he (a.t.f.s.) is the Caliph of Allah in its entirety. As the era of his occultation increases, his acquired perfection and divine perfection is aggrandized.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Nama Imam Mahdi
(Nama Imam Mahdi)
Imam Mahdi sebenarnya adalah sebuah "nama gelaran" sebagaimana halnya dengan gelar khalifah, amirul mukminin dan sebagainya.
Imam Mahdi dapat diertikan secara bebas bermakna "Pemimpin yang telah diberi petunjuk" Dalam bahasa Arab kata Imam = pemimpin, ataupun Mahdi = orang yang mendapat petunjuk
Nama Imam Mahdi sebenarnya seperti yang disebutkan dalam hadis di atas, ia bernama Muhammad (seperti nama Nabi Muhammad S.A.W, nama bapanya pun sama seperti nama bapa RASULULLAH S.A.W, iaitu Abdullah. Nama Imam Mahdi sama dengan RASULULLAH S.A.W. iaitu Muhammad bin Abdullah.
(Ciri-ciri Imam Mahdi)
Tidak ada seorang pun di muka bumi ini yang mengetahui tentang Imam Mahdi dan ciri-cirinya, kecuali Rasulullah s.a.w. kerana Rasulullah dibimbing oleh wahyu. Oleh sebab itu bagi kita sebaik-baiknya tempat untuk merujuk tentang perkara ini adalah apa yang baginda Rasulullah katakan dalam hadis-hadisnya sbb:
Telah bersabda Rasulullah s.a.w, “Al-Mahdi berasal dari umatku, berkening lebar, berhidung panjang dan mancung. Ia akan memenuhi bumi ini dengan keadilan dan kemakmuran, sebagaimana ia (bumi ini) sebelum itu dipenuhi oleh kezaliman dan kesemena-menaan, dan ia (umur kekhalifahan) berumur tujuh tahun.” (HR. Abu Dawud dan al-Hakim)
Telah bersabda Rasulullah s.a.w, “Al-Mahdi berasal dari umatku, dari keturunan anak cucuku.” (HR. Abu Dawud, Ibnu Majah, dan al-Hakim)
(Kemunculan Imam Mahdi)
Kemunculan Imam Mahdi bukan kerana kemahuan Imam Mahdi itu sendiri melainkan kerana takdir Allah yang pasti berlaku. Bahkan Imam Mahdi sendiri tidak menyedari bahawa dirinya adalah Imam Mahdi melainkan setelah Allah s.w.t. meng islahkannya dalam suatu malam, seperti yang dikatakan dalam sebuah hadis berikut :
Telah bersabda Rasulullah s.a.w, "Al-Mahdi berasal dari umatku, yang akan diislahkan oleh Allah dalam satu malam." (HR. Ahmad dan Ibnu Majah).
Kemunculan Imam Mahdi akan di dahului oleh beberapa tanda-tanda sebagaimana yang disebutkan dalam beberapa hadis berikut :
Aisyah Ummul Mukminin RA telah berkata, "Pada suatu hari tubuh Rasulullah s.a.w. bergetar dalam tidurnya. Lalu kami bertanya, 'Mengapa engkau melakukan sesuatu yang belum pernah engkau lakukan wahai Rasulullah?' Rasulullah s.a.w. menjawab, 'Akan terjadi suatu keanehan, iaitu bahwa sekelompok orang dari umatku akan berangkat menuju baitullah (Kaabah) untuk memburu seorang laki-laki Quraisy yang pergi mengungsi ke Kaabah. Sehingga apabila orang-orang tersebut telah sampai ke padang pasir, maka mereka ditelan bumi.' Kemudian kami bertanya, 'Bukankah di jalan padang pasir itu terdapat bermacam-macam orang?' Beliau menjawab, 'Benar, di antara mereka yang ditelan bumi tersebut ada yang sengaja pergi untuk berperang, dan ada pula yang dipaksa untuk berperang, serta ada pula orang yang sedang berada dalam suatu perjalanan, akan tetapi mereka binasa dalam satu waktu dan tempat yang sama. Sedangkan mereka berasal dari arah (niat) yang berbeda-beda. Kemudian Allah s.w.t. akan membangkitkan mereka pada hari berbangkit, menurut niat mereka masing-masing.'" (HR. Bukhary, Muslim)
Telah bersabda Rasulullah s.a.w, "Seorang laki-laki akan datang ke Baitullah (Kaabah), maka diutuslah suatu utusan (oleh penguasa) untuk mengejarnya. Dan ketika mereka telah sampai di suatu gurun pasir, maka mereka terbenam ditelan bumi." (HR. Muslim)
Telah bersabda Rasulullah s.a.w, "Suatu kaum yang mempunyai jumlah dan kekuatan yang tidak berarti akan kembali ke Baitullah. Lalu diutuslah (oleh penguasa) sekelompok tentara untuk mengejar mereka, sehingga apabila mereka telah sampai pada suatu padang pasir, maka mereka ditelan bumi." (HR. Muslim)
Telah bersabda Rasullah s.a.w, "Sungguh, Baitullah ini akan diserang oleh suatu pasukan, sehingga apabila pasukan tersebut telah sampai pada sebuah padang pasir, maka bagian tengah pasukan itu ditelan bumi. Maka berteriaklah pasukan bagian depan kepada pasukan bagian belakang, dimana kemudian semua mereka ditenggelamkan bumi dan tidak ada yang tersisa, kecuali seseorang yang selamat, yang akan mengabarkan tentang kejadian yang menimpa mereka." (HR. Muslim, Ahmad, Nasai, dan Ibnu Majah)
Telah bersabda Rasulullah s.a.w, "Akan dibaiat seorang laki-laki antara maqam Ibrahim dengan sudut Kaabah." (HR. Ahmad, Abu Dawud)
Telah bersabda Rasulullah s.a.w, "Suatu pasukan dari umatku akan datang dari arah negeri Syam ke Baitullah (Kaabah) untuk mengejar seorang laki-laki yang akan dijaga Allah dari mereka." (HR. Ahmad)
(Kepemimpinan Imam Mahdi)
Dalam hadis yang disebutkan di atas Imam Mahdi akan memimpin selama 7 atau 8 atau 9 tahun. Semasa kepemimpinannya Imam Mahdi akan membawa kaum muslimin untuk memerangi kezaliman, hinga satu demi satu kedzaliman akan tumbang takluk dibawah kekuasaanya.
Kemenangan demi kemenangan yang diraih Imam Mahdi dan pasukannya akan membuat murka raja kezaliman (Dajal) sehingga membuat Dajal keluar dari persembunyiannya dan berusaha membunuh Imam Mahdi serta pengikutnya.
Kekuasaan dan kehebatan Dajal bukanlah lawan tanding Imam Mahdi oleh karena itu sesuai dengan takdir Allah, maka Allah swt akan menurunkan Nabi Isa dari langit yang bertugas membunuh Dajal.
Imam Mahdi dan Nabi Isa akan bersama-sama memerangi Dajal dan pengikutnya, hingga Dajal mati ditombak oleh Nabi Isa di pintu Lod dalam kompleks al-Aqsa.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Not performing a miracle increases Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)’s rank further
Not performing a miracle increases Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)’s rank further
ADNAN OKTAR: However, because Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is not divinely inspired and will not perform a miracle, this will increase his rank further. Because when there is a miracle, the test is easier. It is much easier. Because then he sees Gabriel (pbuh), is inspired and performs miracle, so it is easy. The Mahdi (as) will not have that so his rank is higher. Even more Hazrat Barzanji says: “Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is even higher in rank than Hazrat Abubakr (pbuh) and Hazrat Omar (pbuh).” This is in Sunni sources. It would be nice if our brothers got this book of Barzanji. Because there are detailed explanations in here. He narrates, “My Ahl al-Bayt will face a compelling trouble and suffering after me.” They will be very much oppressed insha’Allah.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have a light beard, thin at the sides and long at the front
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have a light beard, thin at the sides and long at the front
(Al-Fatawa al-Hadithiyyah, Abul Abbas Shahabuddin Ahmad Ibn Hajar al-Haytami -41)
** This name in the hadith is not this person’s real name, it is that of a title. In the same way, name such as “Mahdi”, “jahjah”, “dajjal” and “sufyan” are also titles. It does not mean they will come bearing those names. For example, our Prophet (saas) appears as “Ahyed, Ahmad, Paracletos and Munhamanna” in the Torah and the Gospel. Although the Prophet Ibrahim’s (as) father’s name was “Taruh,” the Qur’an calls him “Azar.” Allah knows the truth, since that person emerging from the East will have only a small army to oppose all the armies of the world, he has been given the name of Shuayb, meaning small division. His being called “Ibn Saleh” is because, like his father, this individual is a pure man...
In this hadith, another name of that individual is “Haris ibn Harras,” Haris meaning lion. This name is the equivalent of this person’s name .
“A man [Hazrat Mahdi (as)] will come from Mawaraun nahr, and he will be called Al-Haris Ibn Harras**.
(Abu Dawud, Mahdi 1, (2452))
Narrator: Hazrat Hilal Ibn Amr (ra)
(At-Taj, Ali Nasif al-Husayn, Vol. 5, p. 617)
(Sunan Abu Dawud Translation and Commentary, Samil Press: 14/410)
Haris means lion.
There is a man in command of his troops who is called Mansur. Al-Haris Ibn Harras will prepare the way for Al-i Muhammad in the same way the Quraysh prepared the way for Rasulullah (saas). Every believer has an obligation to help him or obey his call.” (At-Taj, Ali Nasif al-Husayn, Vol. 5/p. 617)
** Haris means lion. That person’s name means the same thing. The hadith allude to that person.
Looking the hadith revealed by our Prophet (saas), he has provided and great deal of information about Hazrat Mahdi (as). Our prophet (saas) refers to both the physical and psychological characteristics of Hazrat Mahdi (as), just as if he had seen him, and also provides information about the structure of the society he will inhabit, his political and economic power and authority and the technological means at his disposal. In this hadith, our Prophet (saas) describes Hazrat Mahdi (as) very clearly, supplying certain physical characteristics and various important details about the small group under his command.
One of the details our Prophet (saas) supplies about Hazrat Mahdi (as) is to do with his beard. Our Prophet (saas) has said in several hadith that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be bearded, and in this hadith he provides detail about the shape of that beard. He says that Hazrat Mahdi’s (as) the texture of his beard will be light, and that the sides will be thin while the lower part is long.
In the same way that the Prophet (saas) has revealed in other Hadith how Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be of average height and dark in other words he reveals that he will have a pinkish skin.
Another important detail our Prophet (saas) supplies about Hazrat Mahdi (as) here is that he will have a very small number of followers, as also revealed in other hadith.
Our Prophet (saas) has stated this in several hadith. For these reasons, Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have no army or community that will later join his spiritual forces and raise their numbers to the thousands. The army that engaged in an intellectual struggle against unbelievers alongside Hazrat Mahdi (as) will always be a very small one.
In this hadith our Prophet (saas) addresses Hazrat Mahdi (as) as Shuayb ibn Saleh. In interpreting this hadith, the great Islamic scholar hazrat Haytami said that the word Shuayb used for Hazrat Mahdi (as) means a small division, meaning that the number of Hazrat Mahdi’s (as) friends waging an intellectual struggle against unbelievers with him will be very low. He also explained that term Ibn Saleh notes that Hazrat Mahdi’s (as) father will also be a very pure person. On the basis of the trustworthy hadith about Hazrat Mahdi (as), who the Prophet (saas) says will wear white clothes in the hadith, Haytami has provided a further piece of information, saying that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will also bear the name of Haris, meaning lion.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Invoking Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.)
Invoking Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.)
O,Mahdi! O,Braveheart! O,Lion of God!
The righteous are awaiting you. Please
O,Mahdi! O,Ark of Salvation! The world
is engulfed by storms. Ships have been
wrecked. The eyes of your loved ones are
fixed at you.They are awaiting your arrival.
O,Mahdi! O,Center of Hope!
Darkness has enveloped the hearts. The
helpless and the weak are orphans. Please
come and stroke the hand of benevolence on
their heads.
O,Mahdi! O,Shore of Deliverance!
The hearts of believers are awaiting you
restlessly. Please come and grant them
O,Mahdi! O,Morn of Hope!
The night of separation is painfully long.
While most lie in the deep slumber of
negligence, a few of your lovers and adorers
await your luminous reappearance with
restive eyes and restless hearts. Please
come that the flowers of hopemay blossom.
Please come that wilted gardens may
bloom again.
Please come that the nightingales may
sing the song of your victory and triumph.
Please come that the meadows and
pastures may get a fresh lease of life.
O,fountain of virtues! O,loftiness of the
righteous! O,standard of liberty! The world is
replete with sorrow. Now, please raise the
veil of occultation.
O,Power of God! O,the one with (the
sword) Zulfiqar in his hands! The oppressors
have become extremely haughty and
O,the Treasurer of Divine Knowledge!
Hoist the flag as the darkness of ignorance
has engulfed the world.
O,the Aware Eye of God! The ark of
humanity is whirling in crises. Only the breeze
of your reappearance can save it.
O,Heir of Ali! Our begging bowl is empty.
May the poor receive the same royal
generosity once again!
O,Legatee of Prophet Yusuf! Despair is
striking the hearts. May the hearts gain the
soul of hope!
O,Messiah of the Soul! Sickness and
helplessness is rampant and widespread.
Only you can grant cure to the sick.
O,Inheritor of Imam Reza's (a.s.)
knowledge! The hearts are devoid of real
knowledge. Please quench the thirst (of
knowledge) of parched throats.
O,Obedient Servant of Allah! The
essence of worship has abandoned the
hearts. Please give the life of belief to the
dead hearts.
O,Sun of Life!
Till when will you remain concealed
behind the clouds of occultation?
O,Bright Moon!
Till when will you hide behind the clouds
in the dark night?
O,Spring of Life!
Till when will rubbish sweepings adorn
the gatherings?
O,Sharp Sword of Allah!
Till when will the tyrants be let loose?
What has happened to you?Stop!
He (a.t.f.s.) himself is awaiting divine
Since ages, he (a.t.f.s.) has been raising
the cry, 'Is there a helper?'
There is none to respond to his cry but a
few righteous believers. For centuries, he
(a.t.f.s.) is praying for his early reappearance.
But there are few of true character and truthful
ones to say 'Aameen'.
In the House of Allah, on all four sides of
the center of monotheism, in the presence of
the Almighty, the tongue is in total harmony
with the handwhile supplicating,
"O,Allah! Fulfill for me what You
have promised me."
Let us take a pledge of mastership
obedience, love and sacrifice at the threshold
of Imamat.
Let us purify our contaminated hearts,
cleanse them of sins and prepare them to
listen to his enlivening and enriching
Let us pray for his earliest reappearance
every morning and evening.
From the depth of our hearts and with
utmost righteousness, let us call out,
"O,Allah! Hasten the reappearance
of your friend."
Friday, June 11, 2010
Ahlul Bayt Penyelamat Umat
Ahlul Bayt Penyelamat Umat
Kata Nabi, ahlul bayt baginda adalah umpama bahtera Nuh. Sesiapa memasukinya akan selamat. Apa tidaknya, pada saat-saat kritikal akhir zaman nanti pun, merekalah yang memimpin dan menaungi kita sampai syurga. Oleh itu, kenalilah mereka di samping mengenali bapa mereka, Muhammad SAW. Cintailah mereka melebihi cinta terhadap segala sesuatu yang ada di langit dan bumi. Selawat!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
The belief in the Imamat of Ahle Bait (as) is the basis of all (other) Islamic beliefs and laws. It is on the basis of this belief that one can comprehend the accurate and genuine concept of Tauheed. The real grandeur and magnificence of Prophethood (Nabuwwat) is reflected only in the mirror of this belief. Actions are correctly performed under the guidance of this doctrine and it forms the basis of acceptance of all actions. The one whose heart is devoid of this belief will be in a great loss on the Day of Judgment. Salvation and entry in paradise is restricted to those who subscribe to this belief.
However, this belief does not imply that we only believe in the existence of our twelve Imams (as) and don't consider them as our guides and role models. The very fact that we consider these venerable personalities as our Imams (as) signifies that we accept them as our guides at every step and tread on their path without any questions. In all facets of our lives- individual or social, commerce issues or complex personal relations, or those dealing with family life and the worship of Allah and gaining His proximity- we should adopt those principles which are enumerated by these honorable personalities as the aim of our life and try to emulate them.
This belief also demands that we acknowledge and are convinced that our Imams (as) are observing our actions and none of our deeds are concealed from them.
Witness to our actions
Imam Sadiq (as) was asked about the meaning of the following Quranic verse:
'How will be the condition on the day of judgment when We shall bring forth a witness from every nation and We will make you (O Prophet) as a witness upon them.' (Surah Nisa, Verse 41)
Imam (as) replied,
'This verse refers particularly to the nation of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.). In every era an Imam from among us is a witness upon them and the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) is a witness upon us.' (Al-Kafi, vol. 1, p.190, tradition 1)
Another person asked Imam Sadiq (as) about the following Quranic verse in which Allah says:
'In this way have We made you as the middle nation so that you be a witness on the people." (Surah Baqarah, Verse 143)
Imam (as) replied:
"We are the 'middle nation'. We are the witnesses of Allah upon the creation & His Proof upon them.' (Ibid, tradition 2)
From these traditions, it becomes clear that our Imam (as) witnesses our deeds. In order to become a witness, it is necessary that the person should have comprehensive knowledge about the thing that he witnesses. Hence when we say that our Imam (as) is a witness to our actions, it means that he has encompassing knowledge of all our actions.
Deeds presented before Imam (as)
A person by the name of Abdullah bin Aabaan az-Ziyaat was in the presence of Imam Reza (a.s). He requested Imam (as) that he (as) should pray for his well being and that of his family. Imam (as) replied, 'Am I not doing like that? I swear by Allah that your deeds are presented to us every morning and evening.' Abdullah says 'I was surprised (to hear that our deeds are presented before Imam (a.s). Imam (as) is at one place while he has the information of the entire world!)' Imam (as) replied:
'Have you not read the verse of Quran which says 'Then do your (good) deeds. Allah and His prophet and the believers are a witness to your actions." (Surah Taubah, Verse 105)
I swear by Allah (the word) 'believers' (in the verse) refers to Ameerul Mo'mineen (as) (Al-Kafi, vol.1 p. 219,tradition 4)
Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) used to say,
'Why are you people troubling the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.)?'
One person asked, 'How is it that we are troubling the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.)?' (i.e. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) is not amongst us, then how can we hurt or upset him). Imam (as) replied,
'Are you not aware that your actions are placed before him (s.a.w.a.)? When he (s.a.w.a.) witnesses a sin among your deeds then he (s.a.w.a.) gets distressed and sorrowful. Don't make the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) unhappy. Instead, try to make him (s.a.w.a.) cheerful.' (Ibid., tradition 3)
Imam (as) recognizes each one of us by our names
People are familiar with only those individuals whom they see and recognize and the majority consists of those individuals whom we don't recognize. Therefore a smart and cunning person can deceive others who don't really know him very well. However, none can deceive the Imams (a.s), because the Imams (as) recognize each and every one of us by our names.
Imam Reza (as) once wrote in one of his letters,
'Hazrat Mohammed Mustafa (s.a.w.a.) is the Trusted One (Ameen) of Allah among His creatures. After his (s.a.w.a.) demise, we are his inheritors and are the trusted ones of Allah on this earth. We know who among you will be involved in which examination and calamity and where you will die. We know the lineage of the Arabs. We also know who will be born on the religion of Islam. If we see someone then we immediately recognize how strong is his faith and the amount of hypocrisy in him. And we have the names of our every Shia along with the names of his father.' (Ibid., p. 223, tradition 1)
Thus simply calling ourselves as Shias is not sufficient. Instead we should beseech Allah that our names should be included in the list of those Shias who are with our Imam (a.t.f.s.)
Imam (a.t.f.s.) has information of each and everything
Janabe Mufazzal (r.a) once asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (as)
'May I be sacrificed for you! Is it possible that Allah makes the obedience of a person obligatory on everyone but conceals from that person the knowledge of the heavens?'
Imam (as) replied,
'No. Allah is more kind, sympathetic and generous upon His servants than that He should make the obedience of an individual obligatory on everyone but should conceal the news of the heavens from him'. (Ibid., p. 261, tradition 3)
In another tradition, Imam Mohammad Baqir (as) declares,
'Allah is much higher and greater than this that He makes the obedience to someone as obligatory on everyone else, but conceal from that person the knowledge of the heavens and the earth'. (Ibid., p. 262, tradition 6)
In the light of these traditions it becomes clear that every morning and evening, the news of the heavens and the earth is presented before our Imam (a.s). In this way, he is aware of the minutest details of our actions.
Imam (as) is more compassionate and tender than our father
Not only are our Imams (as) aware of all our deeds and actions, but they are also affected by our pains and sufferings. The following incident underlines this fact and shows us how much our Imams (as) value and cherishes their Shias.
A person by the name of Rumailah narrates: 'In the days of Hazrat Ali (as) I was severely ill. On Friday I recovered a bit. I thought to myself - how nice would it be if I have my bath today and recite namaz behind Ali (a.s). Hence I got up and after taking a bath, went to the mosque. While Ali (as) was delivering the Friday sermon, my condition again deteriorated. After namaz Ali (as) went to a place by the name of 'Qasr', I too accompanied him. He (as) said to me,
'O Rumailah! Why are you restless?'
I narrated to him (as) about my illness and explained to him my condition. Then Imam (as) said,
'O Rumailah! When a believer becomes ill then we too are affected by his illness. If someone becomes sorrowful and distressed then we too become sorrowful. If someone prays then we say 'Aameen' for his supplication. And when he becomes silent (i.e. he stops praying) then we pray for him.'
Rumailah asked Imam (as)
"My master! Are you referring about those believers who are staying in this place of 'Qasr'? What about those who stay in the different corners of the earth?'
Imam (as) replied,
'O Rumailah! There is no believer - in the east or in the west - who is hidden from us'. (Basaaer al-Darajaat; part 16, tradition 1)
Through this incident it becomes evident that our Imams (as) hold their Shias dearer than a father holds his son. Thus when Imams (as) love us so much, then the least that we can do is perform such actions that are a cause of happiness for them and refrain from those deeds which anger and upset them.
A signed letter (Tawqee) from Imam Mahdi (a.s.)
Now let us pay attention to this tawqee (a 'Tawqee' is a letter signed by Imam (as) himself in the time of his occultation) through which we learn that Imam's (as) knowledge encompasses all our actions.
Every word of the blessed Tawqee addressed to Shaikh Mufeed (r.a) spells out this fact. Those people, who in the time of major occultation are serving the religion of Islam, are defending the laws and beliefs, are taking care of the weak and helpless Shias have been addressed by the one who is the cause of the existence of this Universe , Hazrat Wali-e-Asr (a.t.f.s.) - as "the brother with an upright character and a learned and intelligent friend". This form of address itself is a proof that our Imam (a.t.f.s.) is aware of our deeds and our character. Imam (a.t.f.s.) (may our lives be sacrificed for him ) states,
"Even though we are residing away from the settlements of oppressors - as Allah has destined this in the best interest of the Shias - yet our knowledge encompasses all your information. Nothing is hidden from us. We are conscious of the problems and the degradation which all of you are enduring right now. The reason for all this is that you are indulging in all those (prohibited) things from which your elders used to abstain and you have abandoned the promise and the pledge that was taken from you as if you have never ever known this promise."
(These words of Imam (a.t.f.s.) reflect his remorse on our heedlessness, negligence and disgraceful actions. But the words that follow are an indication of his fatherly love and his compassion.) Imam (a.t.f.s.) continues
"We are not negligent of your affairs and neither do we forget your remembrance. If it would have been so, then calamities and difficulties would have encircled you and the enemies would have annihilated you."
At the end of this Tawqee, Imam (a.t.f.s.) continues,
"Then each one of you should perform such actions which will bring you close to our love and should abstain from those deeds which are a cause of our displeasure and anger. This is because our reappearance will occur unexpectedly and at that time your repentance will serve no purpose. Your remorse and your regret will not protect you from our chastisement." (Al-Ehtejaaj of Sheikh Tabarsi, vol. 2, p. 497, 498)
Another Tawqee
In another Tawqee to Janab Sheikh Mufeed (r.a), Imam (a.t.f.s.) declares,
"May Allah grant the 'Taufeeq' (grace) to our Shias for His obedience. If our Shias would have remained united and would have been steadfast in fulfilling their pledge, there would not have been any delay in our meeting with them. They would have been blessed with our meeting and our presence through their recognition and their truthfulness. But the thing which has delayed our reappearance and has distanced us from them is the news that we get about their deeds which we dislike and don't expect from them." (Ibid., p. 499)
There is one very important thing that is highlighted from the above discussion - the Imams (as) (particularly the Imam (as) of our time) are aware of our each and every movement. Nothing in this world is concealed from their divine eyes. In the supplication on Fridays related to Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) we recite: "Peace be upon you, O the eyes of Allah among His creation!
In the presence of an Emperor
If a blind individual stands in the presence of a king then he will observe the same etiquette of honor and respect due to a king, which are applicable to the one who is actually seeing the king (even though the blind man is unable to see the king.) This is because the blind man perceives the presence of the king and realizes that he is standing before a king. He himself is unable to see the king, but he is convinced that the king is observing him.
The situation is similar during the time of the major occultation. A believer is unable to see his Imam (a.t.f.s.) but he is certain that Imam (a.t.f.s) is observing him. Due to his conviction, he is always aware of the fact that he is standing in Imam's (a.t.f.s.) presence. He considers Imam (a.t.f.s.) to be a witness to his each and every action. In Dua-e-Nudbah we recite
"May I be sacrificed for you! You are that concealed one who is constantly present in all our gatherings!"
True faith and certainty demands that we always realize that we are in the presence of Imam (a.t.f.s.) and hence maintain the decorum of honor and respect.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Imam Muntazar al-Mahdî As
Imam Muntazar al-Mahdî As
Adik-adik dan remaja tercinta
Adik-adik, dalam kehidupan dunia ini, kita memerlukan teladan dari insan yang berakhlak agung dan mulia, sehingga dengan keteladanan dari mereka, kita dapat meniru akhlak luhur mereka. Para pemimpin agama dan para Imam Ahlul Bait As adalah contoh dan teladan bagi kita semua. Oleh karena itu, kami telah membuat penelitian perihal kehidupan mereka, dengan maksud untuk memperkenalkan kepada adik-adik akan kehidupan mereka. Dan semaksimal mungkin kami telah menyusun buku-buku ihwal kehidupan mereka dengan bahasa sederhana sehingga dapat dipahami dengan mudah.
Kumpulan kisah manusia-manusia suci ini disusun seringkas mungkin dengan tidak melupakan keabsahan kisah-kisah teladan Imam Ahlul Bait itu.
Para ahli sejarah Islâm telah mengkajinya secara serius dan mereka mendukung adanya penyusunan buku ini.
Kami berharap, adik-adik sekalian sudi mengkajinya secara serius pula. Hasil dari pelajaran ini, kami meminta kepada adik-adik untuk dapat menyampaikan kesan dan pandangannya.
Kami sangat berterima kasih atas perhatian adik-adik. Dan semoga adik-adik mau bersabar menantikan edisi-edisi selanjutnya.
Kemilau mentari kehadiran Imam Mahdi, Imam ke dua belas memancarkan sinarnya, menerangi para pecintanya. Kemunculannya mencerlangkan sanubari orang-orang Syi'ah, orang-orang yang merindukan kedatangannya.
Khalifah 'Abbâsiyah dan pejabat pemerintahannya telah mendapat kabar bahwa beliau adalah Imam kedua belas dan Imam penutup Syi'ah yang berasal dari keturunan Imam Hasan 'Askarî As. Masa gaib Imam pamungkas ini akan mengalami masa yang panjang dan dialah yang akan membentuk pemerintahan semesta dengan keadilan.
Para penguasa zalim menjadi waspada dan ekstra hati-hati terhadap kemunculannya sehingga mereka berupaya ingin menggagalkan kemunculannya. Namun, mereka tidak sadar bahwa Fir'aun, meskipun dengan kekuatan adi daya yang dimilikinya membunuh secara massal bayi-bayi yang baru lahir, namun usahanya itu gagal total. Perbuatan biadab ini ia lakukan untuk mencegah munculnya seseorang yang akan menggoyang pemerintahan tiraniknya. Betapapun, ia tidak kuasa membendung keinginan Allah Swt untuk mewujudkan kebenaran. Ia pergi mencari dan menelusuri keberadaan Nabi Mûsâ dari rumah ke rumah tetapi orang yang dicarinya itu justru dibesarkan di dalam pangkuannya sendiri.
Mu'tamid, Khalifah Abbâsiyah - yang merupakan Fir'aun pada masanya - pun ingin melakukan hal yang sama. Ia pun mencoba mengikuti langkah Fir'aun berusaha mencegah kemunculan Sang Pembela Kebenaran yang ia takutkan akan merongrong kekuasaannya. Ia dengan ekstra ketat mengawasi dan menjaga rumah Imam Hasan 'Askarî As.
Ketika Imam diracun, beliau dibawa dalam keadaan lemah dari penjara ke rumahnya. Mu'tamid menugaskan lima orang pengawal pergi menyertai Imam untuk mewaspadai dan berpatroli di sekeliling rumah Imam jika ada kejadian dan peristiwa yang terjadi di rumah itu. Tidak hanya mengutus mata-mata, tetapi ia juga mengirim beberapa bidan ke rumah Imam untuk menjaga dan membantu proses kelahiran istri Imam As.
Kota Samarrah berubah menjadi kota duka dan lara atas kematian Imam As. Orang-orang menutup tempat kerja mereka untuk melayat ke rumah Imam. Penduduk kota itu mengusung jenazah suci Imam dengan tangan mereka sendiri dalam upacara penguburan yang kudus, agung dan akbar.
Khalifah 'Abbâsiya sangat gusar dan kesal atas kerumunan massa yang datang melayat Imam. Ia berusaha keras untuk menutupi kejahatannya dan mengumumkan bahwa kematian Imam merupakan sebuah kematian yang wajar dan alamiah.
Mu'tamid mengutus saudaranya untuk menghadiri upacara pemakaman dan bersaksi bahwa tidak ada yang membunuh Imam As .Di sisi lain, ia membagi-bagikan harta peninggalan Imam untuk menunjukkan bahwa Imam tidak meninggalkan anak yang dapat menunaikan salât jenazah dan menjadi pewaris sah atas harta peninggalan Sang Imam.
Namun betapapun, ia berusaha untuk menutupi cahaya kebenaran, kehendak Allah Swt lah yang tetap berlaku. Putra Imam berusia lima tahun ketika beliau dibunuh. Ia mencapai kedudukan Imam pada usia lima tahun, seperti Nabi 'Isâ yang diangkat sebagai Nabi ketika ia masih di ayunan.
Putra Imam pun - pada usia yang sama - ketika mereka meletakkan jenazah muqaddas ayahnya - dan pamannya yang bukan orang baik-baik itu ingin memimpin shalat jenazah - didorong ke samping dan beliau sendiri maju kedepan memimpin salat jenazah tersebut. Setelah selesai salat jenazah, beliau menghilang dari pandangan mata.
Sejak masa Imam Hasan 'Askarî, orang-orang Syi'ah telah melihat beliau di kediaman Imam Hasan 'Askarî dan telah mendengarkan nasihat beliau tentang anaknya kepada mereka. Setelah syahadah Imam, mereka tetap berhubungan dengan Imam hingga beberapa lama.
Keadaan yang berlaku ketika Imam lahir
Hakîmah, bibi Imam berkata : " Aku pergi ke rumah anak saudaraku, pada hari kamis pada bulan Sya'ban. Ketika aku ingin mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada mereka, Imam berkata, " Wahai bibi, tinggallah malam ini bersama kami karena putra kami akan segera lahir. Aku sangat bergembira dan berbahagia mendengarkan kabar itu dan pergi menjumpai Narjis (Ibunda Imam Zamân) namun aku tidak menemukan tanda-tanda kehamilan pada diri beliau. Aku terkejut - aku berkata pada diriku - aku tidak melihat tanda-tanda adanya bayi akan lahir. Pada saat-saat itu, Imam datang padaku dan berkata : " Duhai bibi, jangan bersedih, Narjis seperti ibunda Nabi Musâ As dan si bayi seperti Musâ, yang lahir secara tersembunyi dan tanpa tanda-tanda apa pun yang menyertai kelahirannya. Pergilah ke Narjis, dia akan segera melahirkan pada subuh hari. Aku berbahagia dan tinggal menemani Narjis dan apa yang dikatakan oleh Imam bahwa tanda-tanda kelahiran Narjis muncul sebelum matahari terbit di ufuk timur. Seberkas cahaya mewujud antara diriku dan dia sehingga aku tidak dapat melihat Narjis lagi. Aku ketakutan dan keluar dari bilik itu untuk menjumpai Imam melaporkan apa yang telah terjadi. Beliau tersenyum dan berkata, " Kembalilah, beberapa saat lagi engkau akan melihatnya."
Aku kembali ke kamar dan melihat seorang bayi baru lahir dan tengah melakukan sujud lalu ia mengangkat tangannya ke angkasa, berdzikir dan memuji Allah Swt dengan segala ke-Pemurahan-Nya, ke-Besaran-Nya dan ke-Esaan-Nya.
Keadaan Ibunda Narjis
Salah seorang budak Imam Hâdî " Busher Ansâri" menukilkan sebuah kisah sehubungan dengan kejadian itu. Suatu hari Imam Hâdî As memanggilku dan berkata padaku : Aku ingin memberikan sebuah pekerjaan untukmu, pelaksanaan pekerjaan ini akan menjadi sesuatu yang sangat berharga untukmu. Beliau memberikan sebuah surat disertai dengan sekantung karung yang berisi dua ratus emas Dinar. Beliau berkata : " Ambillah kantung ini dan pergi ke Baghdad nantikan di sana di Sungai Eufrat karena ada kapal yang akan berlabuh besoknya. Di sana terdapat banyak budak-budak yang dibawa untuk diperjual belikan. Kebanyakan pembeli dan penjual itu berasal dari Banî Abbâs dan beberapa pemuda dari suku bangsa yang lain. Di atas kapal itu, ada seorang wanita yang ketika ia diminta untuk menampakkan dirinya, ia enggan memenuhi permintaan pembeli itu. Salah seorang pemuda maju ke depan dan berkata pada tuannya, " Aku siap membeli wanita itu dengan harga dua ratus emas Dinar. Tetapi si wanita itu tidak setuju dengan tawaran pemuda itu. Lalu tuannya berkata : " Kamu tidak ada pilihan lain kecuali harus dijual, kamu harus terima tawaran pemuda itu." Tapi ia berkata lagi, sebentar, pembeliku akan segera datang. Lalu engkau maju ke depan berikan surat itu kepadanya, katakan " Jika wanita ini berhasrat kepada orang yang mengirim surat ini, aku akan membelinya." Setelah membaca surat yang disodorkan padanya, wanita itu merasa senang lalu engkau bayar dengan uang ini, serahkan pada tuannya dan bawa wanita itu kemari."
Busher berkata : " Aku kerjakan apa yang diperintahkan Imam kepadaku, aku beli wanita itu dari tuannya. Dalam perjalanan ia menceritakan kepadaku sebuah cerita yang mengejutkan, katanya : " Aku adalah putri Raja Roma. Datukku adalah sahabat dekat Nabi 'Isâ. Ayahku menginginkan aku menikah dengan keponakannya. Suatu hari, ia mengadakan sebuah pertemuan akbar di istana dan meminta kemenakannya duduk bersanding denganku di singgasana. Seluruh bangsawan Nasrani dan para punggawa kerajaan berkumpul untuk menikahkan aku dengannya.
Tiba-tiba istana berguncang, yang membuat segala sesuatunya berserakan dan saudara sepupuku itu terjatuh dari singgasana. Dengan adanya kejadian itu, mereka tetap tidak menyerah untuk menikahkan aku dengannya. Mereka kembali mengadakan pertemuan itu, namun kejadian yang sama juga kembali terjadi. Para bangsawan Nasrani menganggapnya sebagai sebuah pertanda buruk dan mereka semuanya bergegas meninggalkan istana.
Pada malam yang sama, aku tertidur dalam keadaan sedih dan pilu. Aku bermimpi seorang pria dengan cahaya yang memancar dari tubuhnya datang ke istana. Beberapa orang berkata bahwa pria itu adalah Nabi 'Isâ As dan yang lainnya berkata bahwa pria itu adalah Rasulullâh Saw. Rasulullâh Saw berhadapan dengan Nabi 'Isâ As, beliau berkata " Aku meminang cucumu untuk cucuku.
Nabi 'Isâ As sangat bergembira dengan pinangan itu. Beliau menerima pinangan Rasulullâh Saw.
Aku bangkit dari tempat tidurku dan tidak mengatakan perihal mimpi itu kepada siapa pun. Hingga suatu hari aku jatuh sakit dan ayahku memanggil seluruh tabib untuk melihat keadaanku. Namun tidak satu pun dari mereka yang dapat menyembuhkan sakitku. Aku memohon kepada ayahku untuk membebaskan orang-orang Muslim yang ada dalam penjara ketika itu.
Ia mengabulkan permohonanku. Ia membebaskan tawanan itu dan setelah orang-orang muslim itu dibebaskan, aku pun sembuh dari sakitku.
Pada malam yang sama, aku sekali lagi melihat dua orang wanita yang penuh dengan cahaya. Mereka berkata bahwa wanita itu adalah ibunda Nabi Allah 'Isâ As dan Fâtimah putri Rasulullâh Saw. Fâtimah maju ke depan dan berkata kepadaku : " Jika engkau ingin menjadi istri dari putraku, engkau harus menjadi muslim."
Aku menerima Islam melalui tangan beliau dalam mimpi itu. Lalu ia membawaku menjumpai anaknya Imam Hasan 'Askarî.
Cintanya menawan hatiku dengan kuat dan seluruh badanku lemas siang dan malam hingga suatu malam, aku melihat Imam Hasan 'Askarî dalam mimpi. Aku bertanya padanya, " Bagaimana aku dapat menjadi istrimu? Beliau berkata : " Ayahmu dalam waktu dekat ini akan mengirim serdadunya untuk berperang melawan serdadu muslim dan engkau akan berada di barisan belakang serdadu itu. Serdadu muslim akan memenangkan perang itu dan engkau akan di tahan sebagai tawanan perang dan akan dibawa ke Baghdad untuk dijual. Engkau akan dibawa ke Baghdad dengan kapal yang melintasi Sungai Eufrat. Kapal itu akan berlabuh di Sungai Eufrat dan mereka akan membawamu keluar dari kapal itu untuk dijual.
Para pembeli akan datang untuk membelimu. Namun, tunggulah, hingga seseorang (utusan) datang untuk membelimu. Ia akan datang dengan membawa surat dari ayahku. Dialah yang akan menjadi pembelimu dan membawamu pergi.
Aku terjaga dari mimpi dan merasa gembira. Dan setelah beberapa waktu berlalu, apa yang diceritakan oleh Imam Hasan dalam mimpi itu terjadi. Wahai Busher! Hingga saat ini tidak ada seorang pun yang tahu akan cerita ini dan mengenali aku. Berhati-hatilah, jangan engkau ceritakan kisahh ini kepada siapapun. Simpanlah cerita ini untukmu saja.
Busher berkata ketika Narjis menukilkan kisah itu kepadaku, gemetar seluruh tubuhku. Sejak saat itu, aku menghormatinya dan menemaninya seakan-akan aku ini adalah budaknya. Aku membawa beliau ke hadirat tuanku Imam Hâdî As. Beliau bertanya kepada wanita itu, bagaimana ceritanya engkau memeluk Islam? Dia menjawab : " Anda bertanya sesuatu yang anda lebih paham ketimbang aku."
Beliau lalu berkata : " Berita gembira untukmu tentang seorang anak yang akan memenuhi semesta ini dengan keadilan dan hukum, seorang anak yang dinanti-nantikan oleh seluruh umat manusia.
Kemudian beliau memalingkan wajahnya ke saudarinya Hakîma " Wahai ukhti! Inilah wanita yang kau nanti-nantikan selama ini. Bawalah ia bersamamu dan ajarkan Islam padanya." Hakîma memeluknya erat dan dengan penuh pengormatan ia membawanya pergi."
Periode kehidupan Sang Imam
Periode kehidupan Imam dapat dibagi menjadi tiga bagian :
1. Sejak lahir hingga syahadah ayahanda beliau. Ketika itu beliau berusia tiga tahun. Selama periode ini banyak sahabat-sahabat Imam dan fuqaha terkemuka datang dari berbagai penjuru dunia menjumpai Imam Hasan 'Askarî telah bertemu dengan anaknya dan meminta jawaban atas berbagai masalah yang mereka hadapi kepada Imam 'Askarî As. Imam As menunjukkan putranya kepada mereka dan memberikan saran-saran beliau tentang putranya itu.
2. Masa Ghâib Sughra (kecil) yang dimulai pada waktu beliau berusia enam tahun dan terus berlanjut hingga usia tujuh puluh enam tahun. Selama periode ini, aparat pemerintahan dan agen-agennya tidak dapat bertemu dengan beliau. Akan tetapi, sahabat-sahabat beliau tetap memiliki kesempatan untuk bertemu dengan beliau dan meminta jalan keluar atas masalah-masalah yang mereka hadapi.
Selama masa Ghâib Sughra ini, ada empat orang yang menjadi sahabat khusus Imam dan mereka menjadi perantara antara Imam dan pengikutnya. Mereka membawa dan mengirim surat-surat dan uang pengikut Imam itu dan menyampaikannya kepada Imam dan mengirim kepada mereka jawaban yang diberikan oleh Imam.
Empat orang sahabat Imam itu adalah :
1. 'Utsmân bin Sa'id
2. Muhammad bin 'Utsmân
3. Husain bin Raoh
4. 'Alî bin Muhammad Sumari
Keempat sahabat Imam ini adalah orang-orang kepercayaan Imam dan mereka menjalankan tugas-tugas yang dibebankan dengan baik.
Ketiga periode kehidupan Imam ini bermula sejak tahun 329 Hijriah. Masa ini disebut dengan masa Ghâîb Kubrâ dan hingga kini tetap berlangsung. Beliau - selama masa Ghâîb Kubrâ, yang hanya Allah Swt hingga kapan - menghadiri perhelatan dan acara perkumpulan yang diadakan oleh pengikut beliau. Beliau hadir dengan menyamar, tanpa diketahui oleh seorang pun. Tidak ada satu orang pun yang mengenali beliau. Mereka menganggapnya sebagai orang asing. Setelah Imam meninggalkan tempat itu , dengan melihat tanda-tanda yang ada, barulah mereka tahu dan sadar bahwa Imam telah datang ke tempat mereka.
Masa Penantian
Pada masa Imam menghabiskan masa hidup beliau dalam masa Ghâîb Kubrâ, beliau tidak memperkenalkan dirinya kepada fuqaha yang cakap, berbakat, dan terbekali dalam masalah-masalah keagamaan untuk memecahkan permasalahan yang mereka hadapi dan masyarakat Islam selama ghâîbnya. Namun mereka menyediakan lahan untuk menyongsong revolusi yang akan diusung oleh Imam Ma'sûm ini.
Orang-orang di masa kini, menantikan kedatangannya. Penantian ini tidak berarti hanya duduk tanpa ada perbuatan yang berarti sama sekali, passif, acuh tak acuh, tidak berusaha, dan berupaya membuka jalan bagi kedatangan Imam As. Sebaliknya, orang yang menanti adalah orang yang penuh pengharapan, berusaha, bekerja, bergerak, sadar dan cerdas, memiliki keyakinan yang teguh kepada Imam dan akhirnya meratakan dan membangun jalan bagi kemunculan dan kedatangan Imam Zamân Ajf.
Seorang penanti sejati persis ibarat pendaki gunung, yang menantikan waktu untuk menaklukkan puncak gunung dan berjuang dan berusaha untuk mencapai maksud yang ditujunya. Ia senantiasa siap-sedia untuk melakukan apa saja yang diperlukan untuk mencapai puncak. Tak pelak lagi, ia harus memiliki perencanaan yang matang untuk mencapai puncak kesuksesan dan sadar bahwa duduk diam berpangku tangan tidak akan membawanya kepada tujuan.
Dengan demikian, penantian bernuansa pergerakan, usaha, upaya, pikiran yang teguh, berkarya dan mencipta untuk kemaslahatan umat manusia. Jika prinsip dasar ini tidak disikapi secara matang dalam masyarakat, umat manusia akan beku, kaku, rikuh, putus asa dan kecewa, dan tidak lagi berpandangan optimistis menatap masa depan yang gemilang.
Prinsip penantian dalam Islam adalah sebuah prinsip yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari agama yang memberikan kabar gembira tentang masa depan yang gemilang dan pelaksanaan totalitas keadilan sosial bagi seluruh umat manusia. Oleh karena itu, ia menggembleng dirinya untuk mewujudkan cita-cita luhur ini sedemikian rupa sehingga ia mampu memerangi dan menghilangkan kegelapan, menyingkirkan kaum yang bersikap antagonis terhadap Imam Mahdi dan para sufi gadungan. Dan dengan keutamaan pergerakannya yang tak tertahankan itu menciptakan sebuah lingkungan yang siap membentuk pemerintahan tunggal alam semesta. Sehingga, ketika tiba masa kemunculan insan yang telah diciptakan Allah Swt dengan pesona kepribadian yang luhur ini, seluruh maksud dan tujuan Islam akan mencapai bentuknya. Insya Allah
Mukjizat Imam Mahdi As
Walaupun Imam memiliki banyak mukjizat, namun di sini kita akan menyebutkan dua saja dari sekian mukjizat yang dimiliki oleh beliau. Mukjizat itu antara lain :
1. Syaîkh Tûsi menukil riwayat dari seseorang yang bernama Rashiq, yang merupakan antek dari Khalifah Abbasîyah, Mu'tazid. Suatu hari Mutazid memanggilku dan berkata : " Aku telah dengar kabar bahwa di kediaman Hasan 'Askarî ada seorang anak. Ia menemaniku beserta dua orang anteknya yang lain, ia berkata : " Bergegaslah pergi ke Samarrah dan terobos rumah Hasan 'Askarî. Jika engkau temukan seorang anak muda di sana, bunuh dan bawa kepalanya kemari. Kami pun bergegas menuju ke Samarra. Kami tiba di depan pintu Imam Hasan 'Askarî tanpa menjumpai sedikit pun rintangan di jalan. Kami melihat seorang budak sedang duduk di depan pintu. Kami masuk ke rumah dan tidak mengindahkan si budak di depan pintu rumah itu. Kami lihat sebuah rumah yang indah dan sebuah kamar di pojok rumah itu yang menarik perhatian kami. Kami singkap tirai yang menghalangi , kami temukan sebuah kamar besar yang penuh dengan air dan di kamar itu ada sebuah karpet yang menghampar dan seorang anak muda sedang sibuk mengerjakan salât. Salah seorang dari utusan Khalifah itu mencoba untuk memasuki kamar itu, namun dengan seketika ia tenggelam. Kami berusaha dengan susah payah untuk menyelamatkannya. Si utusan itu pingsan akibat ulahnya itu.
Utusan yang lainnya juga mencoba untuk memasuki kamar itu, dan seperti utusan yang pertama, ia pun tenggelam dalam air itu. Kami menyeretnya keluar. Ia juga ikut pingsang. Beberapa saat berlalu kedua utusan itu siuman kembali. Dalam keadaan gemetar karena takut, kami menunggangi kuda dan beranjak meninggalkan tempat itu menuju ke istana Khalifah.
Kami menemuinya pada tengah malam. Ia dengan sengaja berjaga-jaga dan sedang menantikan kedatangan kami. Kami ceritakan kisah yang baru saja kami alami, ia pun ikut ketakutan sebagaimana kami. Ia berkata : " Tidak seorang pun yang boleh tahu kejadian ini. "Simpan baik-baik rahasia ini dan jangan katakan kepada siapa pun. Jika aku sampai tahu bahwa kalian membocorkan rahasia ini kepada orang lain, aku tidak akan segan-segan untuk membunuh kalian. Hingga akhir hayatnya, Mutazid sedikit pun tidak memiliki keberanian untuk bercerita perihal kejadian itu.
2. 'Ali bin Sinan bercerita, sekelompok orang dari Qum - datang dengan membawa uang - bergerak menuju Samarra ingin menjumpai Imam Hasan 'Askarî Ketika mereka tiba di Samarra, mereka baru tahu bahwa Imam Hasan 'Askarî telah wafat. Mereka tetap tidak percaya dan memikirkan apa yang seharusnya dilakukan. Hingga beberapa waktu, mereka diperkenalkan dengan seseorang yang bernama Ja'far saudara Imam Hasan 'Askarî As. Ketika mereka menjelaskan maksud dan tujuan kedatangan mereka, Ja'far berkata, " Serahkan uang yang kalian bawa itu kepadaku, karena akulah pengganti Imam Hasan. Mereka berkata, " Imam harus mengatakan kepada kami berapa banyak uang yang kami bawa dan menyebutkan pemilik dari setiap kantung uang itu?"
Kisah ini pernah terjadi sebelumnya (kebiasaan Imam, bertanya). Oleh karena itu, " Ja'far merasa malu dan berkata, " Kalian berdusta kalau saudaraku biasa menanyakan hal-hal seperti itu. Karena apa yang kalian tanyakan itu hanya dapat diketahui oleh Allah Swt, Sang Mahatahu, Sang Mahahadir di setiap tempat. Tidak satu pun orang yang dapat mengetahui hal itu selain-Nya.
Kafilah dari Qum itu tetap bersikeras dengan sikap mereka, sehingga membuat Ja'far mengadukan mereka kepada Khalifah. Khalifah memanggil mereka dan memerintahkan untuk menyerahkan uang itu kepada Ja'far. Mereka memohon kepada Khalifah," Uang ini bukan milik kami. Uang itu adalah simpanan umat. Kami tidak pilihan lain kecuali menyerahkan uang ini kepada seseorang yang menjadi pengganti Imam dan jika tidak, kami akan mengembalikan uang ini kepada pemiliknya.
Khalifah menerima permohonan mereka dan membiarkan mereka pergi. Ketika kafilah itu memutuskan untuk meninggalkan kota itu, seorang pemuda datang mendekat dan berkata, " Imam memanggil kalian semua untuk berjumpa dengan beliau."
Mendengar undangan itu, mereka sangat bersuka cita dan mengikuti pemuda itu menuju rumah Imam Hasan 'Askarî. Di rumah itu, kafilah itu menjumpai seorang pemuda, tanda-tanda dan aura Imamah nampak dari wajahnya. Mereka mengulangi pertanyaan sebagaimana pertanyaan kepada Ja'far.
Imam tersenyum dan berkata, " Duduklah, sehinggah aku dapat memberitahu kepada kalian tentang isi setiap kantung ini berikut pemiliknya. Lalu, Imam menyebutkan satu persatu pemilik kantung uang itu dan jumlahnya.
Kami sangat bergembira dan bersuka cita melihat kenyataan bahwa kami telah menemukan apa yang selama ini kami cari. Kami mengambil kantung uang itu dan menyerahkannya kepada Imam As. Perjumpaan dengan Imam adalah sebuah kesempatan emas untuk menanyakan masalah-masalah yang kami hadapi. Kami pun mengutarakan permasalahan-permasalahan yang kami hadapi yang dijawab oleh beliau dengan gamblang. Beliau memerintahkan kepada kami untuk tidak lagi membawa uang ke Hâdîrat beliau, dan meminta untuk menyerahkannya kepada wakil yang akan ditunjuk oleh beliau. Bilamana kami memiliki pertanyaan, kami mengirimnya kepada beliau dan beliau mengirim jawaban pertanyaan itu.
Kami pun pamit dari hadirat beliau. Kami bersyukur kepada Allah Swt atas nikmat dan anugrah yang besar ini, dapat berjumpa dengan beliau.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Dosa Besar - Mencela Sahabat Nabi SAW
(Dosa Besar - Mencela Sahabat Nabi SAW)
Dosa Besar - Mencela Sahabat Nabi SAW
Dosa Besar - Mencela Sahabat Nabi SAW
Explanations form Surah Luqman: The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) in the sky and Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) on the ground is a blessing for people.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Allah, the Blessed, the High says in the Holy Quran:
"The day when We will call every people with their Imam"
(Bani Israel: 71)
Allah, the High at various places, has promised guidance to the people. To fulfill His promise. He sent Prophets and Messengers (peace be on them all) one after another, who called people towards His religion, recognition and worship. When the Prophethood was completed with the advent of the last prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.s.). He introduced Imamat in the progeny of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) so that people may turn to them and save themselves from straying and attain eternal happiness. The greatest and the highest bounty of Allah from amongst His bounties is the presence of Imam (a.s.).
No other bounty can match this bounty. Other bounties have reached their relative position due to this bounty, without which all other endowments are imperfect. As it is mentioned in the Holy Quran,
"This day (on the day of Ghadeer) I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion."
(Maaedah: 3)
"And as for the favor of your Lord, do announce (it)."
Our guidance and salvation depends upon the fourteen infallibles therefore, it is obligatory upon us that we discuss and talk about this bounty.
We would like to make an important point over here. And that is, a believer should never give preference to any bounty over that of the mastership and love of Ahle Bait (a.s.). To consider the gift of 'Mastership of Ahle Bait (a.s.)' as light or equating it with other endowments like wealth, children, business etc. will lead to our destruction and devastation.
The Islamic nations received the distinction of living with the thirteen infallibles and reap benefits from their holy lives. However, the majority breached their covenant with their Lord and the people who actually remained loyal and faithful, could easily be counted on fingers.
Instead of deriving benefits from their existence, the people oppressed and tortured them no end. Their barbarism and brutality had reached to such pits that had they been told to oppress the family of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.), they would have not been able to repress than what they actually did. Notwithstanding such-a disgraceful demonstration of ingratitude and inhumanity, the Merciful Allah did not snatch away the bounty of the physical presence of the infallibles (a.s.) from amongst the people, till the commencement of the occultation of Imam Mahdi (a.s.).
It should be borne in mind that if Allah bestows bounty on any one without he deserving it, then this bounty of Allah is His 'Grace'. If He snatches the bounty after sometime, it is not injustice because he had bestowed it without the person deserving it.
On the contrary, it will be sheer justice. It is not obligatory on Allah that He should always deal with 'Grace'. But on occasions, He deals with His grace and on others, with justice. None of His dealings are devoid of wisdom. It is not necessary that we should . know the prudence behind all His actions. Whatever He does is sheer wisdom, whether we comprehend or not. We can comprehend the wisdom behind any of His action only in the light of the Holy Quran and the traditions. The intellect of men cannot comprehend the rationale behind His actions.
However, from the divine practices of Allah is the practice which has been related in Holy Quran and the traditions is:
"Surely Allah does not change the condition of people until they change their own condition..."
"This is because Allah has never changed a favor which He has conferred upon the people until they change their own condition..."
(Anfaal; 53)
Imam Mohammad Baqir (a.s.) in the exposition of the above Quranic verses says:
It is a definite and certain decree of Allah that when He bestows a bounty on His servant. He does not snatch it till the servant commits a sin which becomes the cause of its deprivation. This is the meaning of Allah's word "Surely Allah does not change the condition of people until they change their own condition".
(Tafseer Noor al-Saqalain, vol.2, p. 488)
In brief, the actions of the people are the cause of Allah, the High, confiscating the bounty from them. Ameerul Momineen Ali Ibn Abi Taalib (a.s.) in the opening sentences of his famous supplication, Dua-e-Kumayl,says:
"0 Allah! Forgive those of my sins which convert the bounties (into calamities)."
The Divine practice shows that Allah's Mercy takes precedence over His Wrath. Therefore, Allah seizes the bounty only when people are ungrateful and unappreciative.
Thus, we are not aware of the actual wisdom behind the occultation of Imam-e-Asr (a.t.f.s.) and according to some traditions. Imam Zaman (a.t.f.s.) will himself give the reason of his occultation when he reappears. However, one of the reasons that we are familiar with is that occultation is due to the anger of Allah on account of the ingratitude of the people. The physical presence of Imam (a.s.) among the people was the greatest bounty of Allah upon the people that was snatched from them. While explaining the importance of the physical presence of Imam (a.s.). Imam Reza (a.s.) says:
"Imamat is complete religion, the foundation of Islam, the basis of all goodness, the discipline of the nation, the path to Allah and the light through which people acquire guidance."
Imam Mohammad Baqi'r (a.s.) says:
"Islam is based on five principles -Namaz, Zakat, Fasting, Ha] and the Mastership (ofAhle Bait (a.s.)) and the manner in which importance has been given to Mastership no other thing has been given such importance."
(al-Kaafi, vol.2, p.l8)
While explaining the following Quranic verse. Imam Mohammad Baqir (a.s.) says:
"Then believe in Allah and His Messenger and the light which We have sent down",
"By Allah in the above verse, 'light' refers to the Imams from the progeny of Mohammad (s.a.w.s.) till the day of Judgment and by Allah these are the 'lights' which Allah has sent. And by Allah, they are the 'lights' in the heavens and on the earth... By Allah the 'light' of Imam in the hearts of the believers, is brighter than the shining sun."
(Tafseer Noor al-Saqalain, vol. 5, p. 321)
When people disregarded this great bounty, Allah, the High concealed Imam-e-Zaman (a.s.) from their eyes. No other calamity can be greater than this concealment of Imam (a.s.) from the sights of the people. The simile of the above is like a child who is left alone in darkness to seek out his way, he is not aware of its beginning nor its end. Resultantly, he will fall a prey for the beast or will become needy of somebody.
Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) says:
"When Allah, the Blessed and the High is angry with His creation then He makes us -the Ahle bait (a.s.), distanced and away from
the people."
(al-Kaafi, Chapter of Occultation, Tradition No. 31)
The presence of Imam (a.s.) among the people to solve their questions and problems is a divine grace of immeasurable magnitude. The concealment of Imam (a.s.) from the sights of the people and their helplessness to reach the Imam (a.s.) is the justice of Allah. Grace takes precedence over justice but the disobedience and ungratefulness of the Muslims has replaced the grace of Allah with His justice.
It is an irrefutable reality that the benefits that we would have enjoyed in the physical presence of Imam (a.s.), are not available now. It is a great loss and nothing can make the loss 'good. We only are to be blamed for the loss and nobody else.
One question arises here: The cause of occultation was due to the disobedience and ingratitude of the earlier Muslims. Then why are we suffering for their action and misdeeds? Is it not injustice?
Answer: Firstly, as we have already mentioned that if Allah has kept His Proof among the people, then it is His grace. And if He conceals Him, then it is His justice.
Secondly, we are also responsible for the occultation of Imam-e-Asr (a.s.) by our conflicts, internal fighting, sins, misdemeanours, etc. These actions are the cause of prolonging the occultation of Imam (a.s.). Imam-e-Zaman (a.s.), in one of his 'Tawqee' to Sheikh Mufeed (a.r.) writes: "If the hearts of our Shias (may Allah give them the taufeeq of His obedience) were united in their fulfillment of the covenant (of Shiasm), then certainly our meeting with them would have not been delayed".
The words of Imam (a.s.) show that our disunity not only makes him sorrowful but is also a cause of prolongation of his occupation and loneliness. In other words, our actions and sins are the cause of sorrow and grief for our Imam (a.s.). If we sincerely love our Imam (a.s.) then let all of us take this oath that we will not commit sins and disobey Allah the Almighty, as these sins deprive us of our Imam and consequently, we lose the greatest bounty of Allah, the High. On the flip side, if we keep our covenant and refrain from sins, we can undo the misdeeds of the earlier Muslims and can obtain the privilege of an earlier meeting with our Imam (a.s.).
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